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Postdoctoral researcher

Ph.D, MS integrated course

Ph.D. course
MS course

Ph.D course
Sung In Jung (Ph.D. 2008)
Min Sup Kim (Ph.D. 2010)
Young Min Shin (Ph.D. 2011)
Ji Hye Lee (Ph.D. 2013)
In Dong Jun (Ph.D. 2014)
Yu Bin Lee (Ph.D. 2017)
Sajeesh Kumar M.P. (Ph.D. 2018)
Taufiq Ahmad (Ph.D. 2019)
Eun Mi Kim (Ph.D. 2020)
Senior Research Scientist, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Senior Research Scientist, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Research professor, Department of Nanobiomedical Science, Dankook University
Medical & Scientific affairs specialist, CG Bio
Senior Researcher Scientist, KIST Europe Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany
Principal Scientist, Samsung BioEpis Co., Ltd (삼성 바이오에피스)
Post doctoral fellow, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Duke University, USA
Post doctoral fellow, Department of Functional Materials in Medicine and Dentistry University of Würzburg, Germany
Post doctoral fellow, Department of chemical & biomolecular engineering, UIUC, USA
MS course
Ko Eun Kyoung (M.S. 2008)
In Dong Jun (M.S. 2009)
Nae Gyune Rim (M.S. 2011)
Yu Bin Lee (M.S. 2012)
Seok Joo Kim (M.S. 2012)
Dong Wan Kim (M.S. 2013)
Tae Hoon Kim (M.S. 2013)
Young Jun Lee (M.S. 2013)
Hyeong Jin Cho (M.S. 2014)
Seongwoo Bak (M.S. 2015)
Joo Hyeon Lee (M.S. 2015)
Joong Yup Lee (M.S. 2016)
Yunhoe Heo (M.S. 2016)
Jangsoo Lim (M.S. 2016)
Kyeong Soo Kim (M.S. 2017)
Hyeokjun Shin (M.S. 2018)
Jinki Lee (M.S. 2019)
Jaesung Park (M.S. 2019)
Ji Min Seok (M.S. 2019)
Senior Researcher, Coreana Cosmetics (코리아나 화장품)
Senior Researcher Scientist, KIST Europe Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany
Senior Scientist, NIBR (Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research) @ Cambridge, MA USA
Principal Scientist, Samsung BioEpis Co., Ltd (삼성 바이오에피스)
Senior Researcher, SK Hynix (SK 하이닉스) (Ph.D. from Seoul National University)
Researcher, LG Household & Health care (LG 생활건강)
Researcher, LG Household & Health care (LG 생활건강)
Kangwon National University School of Medicine (강원대학교 의학전문대학원)
Researcher, LG Household & Health care (LG 생활건강)
Researcher, LG Household & Health care (LG 생활건강)
Korea Institute of Patent Information-Patent Information promotion Center (한국특허정보원 특허정보진흥센터)
Researcher, Coreana Cosmetics (코리아나 화장품)
Researcher, Korea Kolmar Co., Ltd, R&D center (한국 콜마)
Researcher, Samsung BioLogics Co., Ltd (삼성 바이오로직스)
Researcher, Samsung BioEpis Co., Ltd (삼성 바이오에피스)
Researcher, LG Household & Health care (LG 생활건강)
Researcher, Samsung BioEpis Co., Ltd (삼성 바이오에피스)
Researcher, COSMAXICURE (코스맥스아이큐어)
Researcher, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) (한국기계연구원)
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