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  1.  J. Lee, S. Lee, S.M. Kim, and H. Shin, " Size-controlled human adipose-derived stem cell spheroids hybridized with single-segmented nanofibers and their effect on viability and stem cell differentiation", Biomaterials Research, submitted, 2021

  2. S.-j. Kim, S. Lee, C. Kim, and H. Shin, “One-step harvest and delivery of micropatterned cell sheets mimicking multi-cellular microenvironment of vascularized tissue”, Acta Biomaterialia, in press, 2021

  3. S.-j. Kim, E.M. Kim, M. Yamamoto, H. Park*, and H. Shin*, “Engineering multi-cellular spheroids for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, in press, 2021 (* denotes co-correspondence)

  4. S. Lee, J. Lee, H. Byun, S.-j. Kim, J. Joo, H. H. Park, and H. Shin, “Evaluation of the anti-oxidative and ROS scavenging properties of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)-coated biomaterials for tissue engineering”, Acta Biomaterialia, in press, 2021

  5. H.Y. Byun, G.N. Jang, J. Lee, M.-H. Hong, H. Shin and H. Shin, “Stem cell spheroid engineering with osteoinductive and ROS scavenging nanofibers for bone regeneration", Biofabrication, in press, 2021

  6. J. Lee, J.M. Seok, S.J. Huh, H. Byun, S. Lee, S.A. Park, and H. Shin, “3D printed micro-chambers carrying stem cell spheroids and pro-proliferative growth factors for bone tissue regeneration", Biofabrication, 13, 015011, 2021


  1. S. Lee, Y.-Y. Chang, J. Lee, S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, E.M. Kim, Y.-H. Jung, J.-H. Yun and H. Shin, “Surface engineering of titanium alloy by metal-polyphenol network coating with magnesium ions for improved osseointegration”, Biomaterials Science, 8(12):3404-3417, 2020

  2.  J. Lee*, J. Lee*, S. Lee, T. Ahmad, M.P. Sajeesh Kumar, E.M. Kim, S.W. Lee, and H. Shin, “Bioactive membrane immobilized with lactoferrin for modulation of bone regeneration and inflammation”, Invited to the issue on celebrating 60th Birthday of Tony Mikos, Tissue Engineering Part A, 26. (23, 24), 1243-1258, 2020 (* denotes equal contribution)

  3. J.M. Seok, T. Rajangam, J.E. Jeong, S. Cheong, S.M. Joo, S.J. Oh, H. Shin, S.-H. Kim, S.A. Park, “Fabrication of 3D plotted scaffold with microporous strands for bone tissue engineering”, J. Mater. Chem. B. 8(5):951-960, 2020

  4. T. Ahmad*, H. Byun*, H. Shin, J. Lee, S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, Y.M. Shin, E.M. Kim, and H. Shin, “Polydopamine assisted one-step modification of nanofibers surface with adenosine to tune the osteogenic differentiation of adipose-derive mesenchymal stem cells and maturation of osteoclasts”, Biomaterials Science, 2020, 8, 2825–2839, 2020 (* denotes equal contribution)

  5. H. Lee, S.-j. Kim, H. Shin, and Y.-P. Kim, “A Collagen-Immobilized Extracellular FRET Reporter for Visualizing Protease Activity Secreted by Living Cells”, ACS Sensors, 27;5(3):655-664, 2020

  6. T. Ahmad*, H. Byun*, J. Lee, S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, E.M. Kim, and H. Shin, “Stem cell spheroids incorporating fibers coated with adenosine and polydopamine as a modular building blocks for bone tissue engineering”, Biomaterials, 230, 119652, 2020 (* denotes equal contribution)

  7. J. Lee, S.M. Lee, T. Ahmad, S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, J. Lee, E.M. Kim, and H. Shin, "Human adipose-derived stem cell spheroids incorporating platelet-derived-growth-factor (PDGF) and bio-minerals for vascularized bone tissue engineering", Biomaterials, 255, 120192, 2020

  8. S. Reisz, J.P. Fisher, J.A. Jansen, K. Schenke-Layland, H. Shin, and X. Wang, A special dedication to editor-in-chief, Dr. Tony Mikos", Tissue Engineering Part A, 26. (23, 24), 1223, 2020

  9. J.S. Lee, S.-j. Kim; J.S. Choi, M.R. Eom, H, Shin*, and S.K. Kwon*, “Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells spheroid sheet accelerates regeneration of ulcerated oral mucosa by enhancing inherent therapeutic properties”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 91, 296-310, 2020, (* denotes co-correspondence)



  1. S. Nemati, S.-j. Kim, Y.M. Shin*, and H. Shin*, "Current progress in application of polymeric nanofibers in tissue enginerring", invited review, Nano Convergence, 6(1):36, 2019 (* denotes co-correspondence)

  2. S.-j. Kim, J. Park, E.M. Kim, J.-J. Choi, H.-N. Kim, I.L. Chin, Y.S. Choi, S.-H. Moon, and H. Shin, "Lotus seedpod-inspired hydrogels as an all-in-one platform for culture and delivery of stem cell spheroids", Biomaterials, 225, 119534, 2019

  3. E.M. Kim, Y.B. Lee, S.-j. Kim, J. Park, J. Lee, S.W. Kim, H. Park, and H. Shin, “Fabrication of core-shell spheroids as building blocks for engineering 3D complex vascularized tissue”, Acta Biomaterialia, 100:158-172, 2019

  4. S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, J.K. Lee, S.Y. Park, H.S. Jung, and H. Shin, “Effect of gradient biomineral concentrations on osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of adipose derived stem cells”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 80, 784-794, 2019

  5. H. Byun, Y.B. Lee, E.M. Kim, and H. Shin, “Fabrication of size-controllable human mesenchymal stem cell spheroids from micro-scaled cell sheets", Biofabrication, 11(3):035025, 2019

  6. A.-N. Cho, Y. Jin, S. Kim, S. Kumar, H. Shin, H.-C. Kang, and S.-W. Cho, Aligned brain extracellular matrix promotes differentiation and myelination of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived oligodendrocytes"”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(17):15344-15353, 2019

  7. A.G. Mikos, J.P. Fisher, K. Schenke-Layland, H. Shin, J.A. Jansen, X.-M. Wang, M.A. Liebert, “Tissue Engineering: Celebrating 25 Years in Publication and Collaboration”, editorial, Tissue Engineering Part A, 25 (7. 8), 513-514, 2019

  8. S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, S.M. Lee, J.K. Lee, T. Ahmad, M. Lee, H.-S. Yang, and H. Shin, “Oxidative epigallocatechin gallate coating on polymeric substrates for bone tissue regeneration”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 19(4), 1800392, 2019

  9. J.M. Seok, S.H. Oh, S.J. Lee, J.H. Lee, W.D. Kim, S.-H. Park, S.Y. Nam, H. Shin**, and S.A. Park**, “Fabrication and characterization of 3D scaffolds made from blends of sodium alginate and poly (vinyl alcohol)” Materials Today Communications, 19, 56-61, 2019

  10. E.M. Kim, Y.B. Lee, H. Byun, H.-k. Change, J. Park, and H. Shin, “Fabrication of spheroids with uniform size by self-assembly of a micro-scaled cell sheet (μCS): the effect of cell contraction on spheroid formation”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(3), 2802-2813, 2019

  11. J. Lee*, H. Byun*, S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, S.M. Lee, and H. Shin, “Current advances in immunomodulatory biomaterials for bone regeneration”, Adv Healthcare Mater, 8(4): e1801106, 2019 (* denotes equal contribution)

  12. S.J. Kim, J. Park, H.Y. Byun, L.G. Major, Y.W. Kim, D.Y. Lee, Y.S. Choi, and H. Shin, “Hydrogels with an embossed surface: An all-in-one platform for mass production and culture of human adipose-derived stem cell spheroids”, Biomaterials, 188, 198-212, 2019


  1. I. Jun, K. Kim, Y.-W. Chung, H.J. Shin, H-S. Han, J. Edwards, M.-R. Ok, Y-C. Kim, H-K. Seok, H. Shin, and H. Jeon, “Effect of spatial arrangement and structure of hierarchically patterned fibrous scaffolds generated by a femtosecond laser on cardiomyoblast behavior”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 106(6); 1732-1742, 2018​

  2. Y.B. Lee, E.M. Kim, H. Byun, H.-k. Change, K. Jeong, Z.M. Aman, Y.S. Choi, J. Park. And H. Shin, “Engineering spheroids potentiating cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions by self-assembly of stem cell microlayer”, Biomaterials, 165, 105 – 120, 2018​

  3. Sajeesh kumar MP, J. Lee, T. Ahmad, E.M. Kim, H. Byun, S. Lee , and H. Shin, “Harnessing biochemical and structural cues for tenogenic differentiation of adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) and development of an in vitro tissue interface mimicking tendon-bone insertion graft”, Biomaterials, 165, 79 – 93, 2018

  4. Y.B. Lee, T. Ahmad, H. Byun, M. Matsusaki, M. Akashi, and H. Shin, One-step delivery of a functional multi-layered cell sheet using a thermally expandable hydrogel with controlled presentation of cell adhesive proteins, Biofabrication, 10(2):025001, 2018

  5.  T. Ahmad, J. Lee, Y.M. Shin, H.J. Shin, S.K. Madhurakat Perikamana, and H. Shin, “Agglomeration of human dermal fibroblasts with ECM mimicking nano-fragments and their effects on proliferation and cell/ECM interactions”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 67, 80-91, 2018

  6. T. Ahmad, H.J. Shin, J. Lee, Y.M. Shin, S.K. Madhurakat Perikamana, S.Y. Park, H.S. Jung, and H. Shin, “Fabrication of in vitro 3D mineralized tissue by fusion of composite spheroids incorporating biomineral-coated nanofibers and human adipose-derived stem cells”, Acta Biomaterialia, 74, 464-477, 2018

  7.  K.M. Park*, Y.M. Shin*, K. Kim**, and H. Shin**, “Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2017: year in review”, Tissue Engineering Part B, 24, 5, 327 – 344, 2018


  1. S.Y. Park, Sajeesh kumar MP, J.H. Park, S.W. Kim, H. Shin, S.P. Park, and H.S. Jung, “Osteoinductive Superparamagnetic Fe nanocrystal/Calcium Phosphate Heterostructured Microspheres”, Nanoscale, 9(48), 19145 - 19153, 2017

  2. Y.M. Shin, H.J. Shin, D.-H. Yang, Y.-J. Koh, H. Shin, and H.J. Chun, “Advanced capability of radially aligned fibrous scaffolds coated with polydopamine for guiding directional migration of human mesenchymal stem cells”, J. Mater. Chem. B. 5, 8725 – 8737, 2017

  3. Sajeesh kumar MP, J.K. Lee, Y.M. Shin, T. Ahmad, S-J. Kim, K.M. Park, and H. Shin, “Oxygen-dependent generation of a graded polydopamine coating on nanofibrous materials for controlling stem cell responses”, J. Mater. Chem. B. 5, 8865 – 8878, 2017

  4. T. Ahmad§, J. Lee§, Y.M. Shin, H.J. Shin, M.P. Sajeesh Kumar, S.H. Park, S.W. Kim, and H. Shin, “Hybrid-spheroids incorporating ECM like engineered fragmented fibers potentiate stem cell function by improved cell/cell and cell/ECM interactions”, Acta Biomaterialia, 64, 164 – 175, 2017 (§ denotes equal contribution)

  5. Sajeesh kumar MP, Y.M. Shin, J.K. Lee, Y.B. Lee, Y. Heo, T. Ahmad, S.Y. Park, J. Shin, K.M. Park, H.S. Jung, S.-W Cho, and H. Shin, “Graded functionalization of biomaterial surfaces using mussel-inspired adhesive coating of polydopamine”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 159, 546 – 556, 2017

  6. Y.B. Lee§, S.-j. Kim§, E.M. Kim, H. Byun, H.k. Chang, J. Park, Y.S. Choi, and H. Shin*, “Microcontact printing of polydopamine on thermally expandable hydrogels for controlled cell adhesion and delivery of geometrically defined microtissues”, Acta biomaterialia, 61, 75-87, 2017

  7. S.-I. Jeong, Y.-J. Kang, K.-S. Lee, H. Shin*, and B.-K. Lee*, Efficacy of mechanically modified electrospun poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone)/gelatin membrane on full-thickness wound healing in rats, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 200-209, 2017 (* denotes co-correspondence)

  8. M. Gajendiran, J. Choi, S.-J. Kim, K. Kim, H. Shin, H.-J. Koo, and K. Kim, “Conductive biomaterials for tissue engineering applications”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 51, 12-26, 2017

  9. J.-O. Jeong, S.I. Jeong, J.-S. Park, H.-J. Gwon, S.-J. Ahn, H. Shin, J.Y. Lee and Y.-M. Lim, “Development and characterization of heparin-immobilized polycaprolactone nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering using gamma-irradiation, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 8963-8972

  10. I.D. Jun*, T. Ahmad*, S. Bak, J.-Y. Lee, E.M. Kim, J. Lee, Y.B. Lee, H. Jeong, H. Jeon, and H. Shin, “Spatially assembled bi-layer cell sheets of stem cells and endothelial cells using thermosensitive hydrogels for therapeutic angiogenesis”, Adv Healthcare Mater, 2017, 6, 160340 (*equal contribution)

  11. J.K. Lee, S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, T. Ahmad, M.S. Lee, H.S. Yang, D. Kim, K. Kim, B. Kwon, and H. Shin, “Controlled retention of BMP-2 derived peptide on nanofibers based on mussel inspired adhesion for bone formation”, Tissue Engineering Part A, 23 (7, 8) 323-334, 2017

  12. M.S. Lee§, T. Ahmad§, J.K. Lee, H.K. Awada, Y. Wang, K. Kim*, H. Shin*, and H.S. Yang*, “Dual delivery of growth factors with coacervate-coated poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanofiber improves neovascularization in a mouse skin flap model”, Biomaterials, 124, 65-77, 2017 (§equal contribution, **co-correspondence)

  13. Y.M. Shin§, H.J. Shin§, Y. Heo, I. Jun, Y.-W. Chung, Y.M. Lim, H. Jeon**, and H. Shin**, “Engineered endothelium on a topologically modified nanofibrous platform with a micropatterned structure produced by femtosecond laser ablation”, J. Mater. Chem. B. 5, 318-328, 2017 (§equal contribution, **co-correspondence)



  1. J. Shin, J.H. Cho, Y. Jin, K. Yang, J.S. Lee, H.-J. Park, H.S. Han, J. Lee, H. Jeon, H. Shin, and S.-W. Cho, "Mussel Adhesion-Inspired Reverse Transfection Platform Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation and Bone Formation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells.”, Small, 12(45):6266-6278, 2016 (December)

  2. Y.B. Lee*, J.-Y. Lee*, T. Ahmad, S. Bak, J. Lee, H. Kim, T.H. Park, N.S. Hwang, Y.M. Lim**, and H. Shin**, “Construction of 3-D Cellular Multi-Layers with Extracellular Matrix Assembly Using Magnetic Nanoparticles”, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 12, 1916–1928, 2016

  3. Y.B. Lee, Y.M. Shin, E.M. Kim, J.-y. Lee, J. Lim, S.K. Kwon, and H. Shin, “Mussel adhesive protein inspired surface coating on temperature-responsive hydrogels for cell sheet engineering”, J. Mater. Chem. B. 4, 6012-6022, 2016

  4. Y.B. Lee*, Y.M. Shin*, E.M. Kim, J. Lim, J.-y. Lee, and H. Shin, “Facile cell sheet harvest and translocation mediated by a thermally expandable hydrogel with controlled cell adhesion”, Adv Healthcare Mater, 5, 2320-2324, 2016 (*equal contribution) – featured as front cover

  5. J. Lim§, I.D. Jun§, Y.B. Lee, E.M. Kim, D. Shin, H. Jeon, H. Park**, and H. Shin**, “Fabrication of cell sheets with anisotropically aligned myotubes using thermally expandable micropatterned hydrogels”, Macromolecular Research, 6, 562-572, 2016 (§equal contribution, **co-correspondence) – selected as a cover

  6. M.S. Lee*, S. Kumar*, W.-G. La, J.S. Oh, H.I. Choi, S.-H. Lee, H. Shin**, and H.S. Yang**, “Effect of dual growth factor delivery using poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) mesh on neovascularization in a mouse skin flap model”, Macromolecular Research, 24(4), 385-391, 2016 (*equal contribution, **co-correspondence)

  7. I.D. Jun, Y.-W. Chung, Y.-H. Heo, H.-S. Han, J. Park, K. Kim, Y.B. Lee, H. Lee, Y.-C. Kim, H.-K. Seok, H. Shin*, H. Jeon, “Hierarchical topography on fibrous platforms by femtosecond laser ablation for directing myoblast behaviors”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10;8(5):3407-3417, 2016 (*co-correspondence)

  8. S. Bak*, T. Ahmad*, Y.B. Lee, J.-Y. Lee, E.M. Kim, and H. Shin, “Delivery of cell patch co-cultured with endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells using thermoresponsive hydrogels for enhanced angiogenesis”, Tissue Engineering Part A, 22(1-2):182-193, 2016 (*equal contribution) (January)

  9. K.D. Park, and H. Shin, “Biomaterials Research in Korea”, Virtual issue, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2016 (



  1. S. MP, J. Lee, T. Ahmad, Y. Jeong, D-G. Kim, K. Kim*, and H. Shin*, "Effects of immobilized BMP-2 and nanofiber morphology on in vitro osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs and in vivo collagen assembly of regenerated bone", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 8798-8808, 2015

  2. J.H. Lee, Y.J. Lee, H.J. Cho, D.W. Kim,and , “The incorporation of bFGF mediated by heparin into PCL/gelatin composite fiber meshes for guided bone regeneration”, Drug Deliv. and Transl. Res. 5:146–159, 2015

  3. B. Son, H.D. Kim, M. Kim, J.A. Kim, J. Lee, H. Shin, N.S. Hwang, and T.H. Park, “Physical Stimuli-induced Chondrogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using Magnetic Nanoparticles”, Adv. Healthcare Mater. 4(9):1339-1347, 2015

  4. I.D. Jun, Y.B. Lee, Y.S. Choi, A.J. Engler, H. Park*, and H. Shin*, “Transfer stamping of human mesenchymal stem cell patches using thermally expandable hydrogels with tunable cell-adhesive properties”, Biomaterials, (54)44-54, 2015

  5. Y.M. Shin, T.G. Kim, J.-S. Park, H.-J. Gwon, S.I. Jeong, H. Shin, K.-S. Kim, D.Y. Kim, M.-H. Yoon, and Y.-M. Lim, “Engineered ECM-like microenvironment with fibrous particles for guiding 3D-encapsulated hMSC behaviors”, J. Mater. Chem. 3, 2732-2741, 2015

  6. J. Beloor, S. Ramakrishna, K. Nam, C. Choi, J. Kim, S.H. Kim, H.J. Cho, H. Shin, H. Kim, S.W. Kim, S.-K. Lee, P. Kumar, “Effective gene delivery to human stem cells with a cell-targeting peptide-modified bioreducible polymer”, Small, 11(17):2069-2079, 2015

  7. E.R. Molina, B.T. Smith, S.R. Shah, H. Shin*, and A.G. Mikos*, “Delivery of immunomodulatory stem cells and bioactive molecules for tissue engineering”, J. Controlled Release, 219, 107–118, 2015 (**co-orrespondence)

  8. S. MP*, J. Lee*, Y.B. Lee, Y.M. Shin, E. Lee, A.G. Mikos**, and H. Shin**, “Materials from mussel-inspired chemistry for cell and tissue engineering applications”, Biomacromolecules, 14;16(9):2541-2555, 2015 (*equal contribution, **co-correspondence)

  9. Y.M. Shin, J.-Y. Lim, J.-S. Park, H.-J. Gwon, S.I. Jeong, S.-J. Ahn, H. Shin, and Y.-M. Lim, “Modulation of human mesenchymal stem cell survival on electrospun mesh with co-immobilized epithelial growth factor and gelatin”, RSC Advances, 5, 55948–55956, 2015

  10. Y. Heo*, Y.M. Shin*, Y.B. Lee, Y.M. Lim**, and H. Shin**, “Effect of immobilized collagen type IV on biological properties of endothelial cells for the enhanced endothelialization of synthetic vascular graft materials”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 134:196-203, 2015 (*equal contribution, **co-correspondence)



  1. H.J. Cho, S.K. Madhurakkat Perikamana, J.H. Lee, J. Lee, K.M. Lee, C.S. Shin, and H. Shin, “Effective immobilization of BMP-2 mediated by polydopamine coating on biodegradable nanofibers for enhanced in vivo bone formation”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 23; 6(14): 11225-35, 2014

  2. Y.B. Lee, I.D. Jun, S.W. Bak, Y.M. Shin, Y.-M. Lim, H. Park, and H. Shin, “Reconstruction of vascular structure with multicellular components using cell transfer printing methods”, Adv. Healthcare Mater.2014, 3, 1465–1474

  3. T.-J. Lee, J. Jang, S. Kang. S.H. Bhang, G.-J. Jeong, H. Shin, D.-W. Kim, B.-S. Kim, “Mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium enhances osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cells by mesodermal lineage induction”, Tissue Engineering Part A. 20(7-8):1306-13, 2014

  4. J.H. Lee, Y.J. Lee, H.J. Cho, and H. Shin, “Guidance of in vitro Migration of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and in vivo Bone Regeneration using Aligned Electrospun Fibers”, Tissue Eng Part A. 20(15-16), 2031-2042, 2014

  5. J.W. Choi, E.J. Park, H. Shin, I.S. Shin, J.C. Ra, K.S. Koh, In vivo differentiation of undifferentiated human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in critical-sized calvarial bone defects, Annals of Plastic Surgery, 72(2):225-232, 2014

  6. J. Lee, I. Jun, H.-J. Park, T.J. Kang, H. Shin*, S.-W. Cho*, Genetically engineered myoblast sheet for therapeutic angiogenesis, Biomacromolecules, 13;15(1):361-72, 2014



  1. S.J. Kim, I.D. Jun, D.W. Kim, Y.B. Lee, Y.J. Lee, J.H. Lee, K.D. Park, H. Park, and H. Shin, “Rapid transfer of endothelial cell sheet using a thermosensitive hydrogel and its effect on therapeutic angiogenesis”, Biomacromolecules, 14, 4309 – 4319, 2013

  2. D.W. Kim, I.D. Jun, T.J. Lee, J.-H. Lee, Y.J. Lee, H.-K. Jang, S. Kang, K.D. Park, S.-W. Cho, B.-S. Kim, and H. Shin, Therapeutic angiogenesis by a myoblast layer harvested by tissue transfer printing from cell-adhesive, thermosensitive hydrogels, Biomaterials, 34(33):8258-68, 2013

  3. L. Ghorbanian, R. Emadi, S.M. Razavi, H. Shin, A. Teimouri, “Fabrication and characterization of novel diopside/silk fibroin nanocomposite scaffolds for potential application in maxillofacial bone regeneration”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 58:275-280, 2013

  4. Y.J. Lee, J.H. Lee, H.J. Jo, H.K. Kim, T.R. Yoon, and H. Shin, “Electrospun fibers immobilized with bone forming peptide-1 derived from BMP-7 for guided bone regeneration, Biomaterials, 34(21):5059-69, 2013

  5. Y.M. Shin, I.D. Jun, Y.-M. Lim, T. Rhim, and H. Shin, “Bio-inspired immobilization of cell-adhesive ligands on electrospun nanofibrous patches for cell delivery”,Macromol. Mater. Eng. 298, 555–564, 2013

  6. N.G. Rim, C. S. Shin, and H. Shin, “Current approaches to electrospun nanofibers for tissue engineering”, Biomedical Materials, 8(1):014102, 2013

  7. T.-J.Lee, S.H. Bhang, W.G. La, S.H.Kwon, J.Y. Shin, H.H. Yoon, H Shin, D.W. Cho, B.S. Kim, “Volume-stable adipose tissue formation by implantation of human adipose-derived stromal cells using solid-free from fabrication-based polymer scaffolds”, Annals of Plastic Surgery, 70(1):98-102, 2013

  8. T.-J.Lee, J. Jang, S. Kang, M. Jin, H. Shin, D.-W. Kim, B.-S. Kim, Enhancement of osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells by mesodermal lineage induction with BMP-4 and FGF2 treatment, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 430(2), 793-797, 2013



  1. D.S. Sim, M.H. Jeong, K.R. Cha, S.H. Park, J.O. Park, Y.M. Shin, H. Shin, Y.J. Hong, Y. Ahn, R.S. Schwartz, J.C. Kang, A reliable porcine coronary model of chronic total occlusion using copper wire stents and bioabsorbable levo-polylactic acid polymer, J. Cardioloy, 60(6), 443-447 2012

  2. Y.B. Lee, Y.M. Shin, J.H. Lee, I.D. Jun, J.K. Kang, J.-C. Park, and H. Shin, “Polydopamine-mediated immobilization of multiple bioactive molecules for the development of functional vascular graft materials”, Biomaterials, 33, 8343-8352, 2012

  3. I.D. Jun, K.M. Park, K.D. Park, E.P Choi, J.R. Park, and H. Shin, “Development of hydrogels with controlled cell adhesive properties and topographical guidance for the study of muscle cell adhesion and proliferation”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 12(11) 1502-13, 2012

  4. K. Yang, J.S. Lee, J. Kim, Y.B. Lee, , Um SH, J.B. Kim, K.I. Park, H. Lee, and S.-W. Cho, H. Shin, “Polydopamine-mediated surface modification of scaffold materials for human neural stem cell engineering”, Biomaterials, 33(29) 6952-6964, 2012

  5. I.D. Jun, S.J. Kim, J.-H. Lee, Y.J. Lee, Y.M. Shin, E.P Choi, K.M. Park, J. Park, K.D. Park, and H. Shin, “Transfer printing of cell layers with an anisotropic extracellular matrix assembly using cell-interactive and thermosensitive hydrogels”, Advanced Functional Materials, 22, 4060–4069, 2012

  6. T.K. Kim, , and D.W. Lim*, “Biomimetic scaffolds for tissue engineering”, Advanced Functional Materials, 22, 12 2446-2468, 2012

  7. Y.M. Shin, Y.B. Lee, S.J. Kim, J.K. Kang, J.C. Park, W. Jang. and H. Shin, “Mussel-inspired immobilization of vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) for enhanced endothelialization of vascular grafts, Biomacromolecules , 13(7) 2020-2028, 2012

  8. T.J. Lee, S.H. Bhang, H.S. Yang, W.G. La, J.Y. Shin, J.Y. Seong, H. Shin, and B.S. Kim, “Enhancement of long-term angiogenic efficacy of human adipose-derived stromal cells by delivery of fibroblast growth factor 2”, Microvascular Research, 84, 1-8, 2012

  9. J.H. Lee, M.J. Park, Y.J. Lee, Y.H. Hwang, S.S. Lee, D.Y. Lee and H. Shin, “Heparin-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide for In vivo MR imaging of human mesenchymal stem cells”, Biomaterials, 33(19):4861-71, 2012

  10. N.G. Rim, S.J. Kim, Y.M. Shin, I.D. Jun, D.W. Lim, J.H. Park and H. Shin, “Mussel-inspired surface modification of poly (L-lactide) electrospun fibers for modulation of osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 19, 189-971, 2012

  11. E. Choi, I.D. Jun, H.-K Chang, K.M. Park, , K.D. Park, and J. Park, “Quantitatively controlled formation of hydrogel membranes in microchannels for generation of stable chemical gradients”, Lab on a Chip, 12(2), 302-308, 2012

  12. S.H. Bhang, S.I. Jeong, T-J Lee, I.D. Jun, Y.B. Lee, B.-S. Kim*, and H. Shin*, “Electroactive polyaniline/poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) electrospun fibers for control of neural cell function”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 12(3):402-11, 2012 (*co-corresponding authors)


  1. K.M. Park, K.S. Ko, Y.K. Joung, H. Shin and K.D. Park, In situ cross-linkable gelatin–poly(ethylene glycol)–tyramine hydrogel via enzyme-mediated reaction for tissue regenerative medicine, Journal of Materials Chemistry , 21 (35), 13180 – 13187, 2011

  2. I.D. Jun, K.M. Park, D.Y. Lee, K.D. Park, and H. Shin, “Control of adhesion, focal adhesion assembly, and differentiation of myoblasts by enzymatically crosslinked cell-interactive hydrogels, Macromolecular Research, 19(9), 911-920. 2011

  3. Y.M. Shin, Hansoo Park, H.Shin, “Enhancement of Cardiac Myoblast Responses onto Electrospun PLCL Fibrous Matrices Coated with Polydopamine for Gelatin Immobilization”, Macromolecular Research, 19, 835-842, 2011

  4. Y.M. Shin, Y.B. Lee, H. Shin, “Time-dependent mussel-inspired functionalization of poly(l-lactide-co- ε -caprolactone) substrates for tunable cell behaviors”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 87, 79-87, 2011

  5. J.H. Lee, Y.B. Lee, M.G. Rim, S.Y. Cho, Y.M. Lim, and H. Shin, “Development and characterization of nanofibrous poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/biphasic calcium phosphate composite scaffolds for enhanced osteogenic differentiation”, Macromolecular Research, 19, 172-179, 2011

  6. K.M. Park, I.D. Jun, Y.K. Jeong, H. Shin, and K.D. Park, “In situ hydrogelation and RGD conjugation of tyramine conjugated 4-arm-PPO-PEO block copolymer for injectable bio-mimetic scaffolds”, Soft Matter, 7, 986-992, 2011

  7. M.S. Kim, Y.M Shin, J.H. Lee, S.I. Kim, Y.S. Nam, C.S. Shin, H. Shin, “Release Kinetics and In vitro Bioactivity of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor: Effect of the Thickness of Fibrous Matrices”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 11, 122-130, 2011


  1. M.S. Kim, S.H. Bhang, H.S. Yang, N.G. Rim, I. Jun, Sun. I Kim, B.S. Kim, and H. Shin, “Development of functional fibrous matrices for the controlled release of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) to improve therapeutic angiogenesis”, Tissue Engineering, 16, 2999-3010, 2010

  2. D.W. Dumbauld*, H. Shin*, N.D. Gallant, K.E. Michael, H. Radhakrishna, and A.J. García, “Contractility Modulates Cell Adhesion Strengthening Through Focal Adhesion Kinase and Assembly of Vinculin-Containing Focal Adhesions”, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 223, 746-756, 2010

  3. Y.M. Shin, Y. Lim, and H. Shin, “Surface modification of electrospun poly(l-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) fibrous meshes with a RGD peptide for the control of adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of the preosteoblastic cells”, Macromolecular Research,18, 472-481, 2010

  4. K.M. Park, Y.M. Shin, Y.K. Jeong, H. Shin, and K.D. Park, “In situ forming hydrogels based on tyramine conjugated 4-arm-PPO-PEO via enzymatic oxidative reaction”, Biomacromolecules, 11, 706–712, 2010

  5. D.W. Kim, I.-S. Cho, J.Y. Kim, H.L. Jang, G.S. Han, H.-S. Ryu, H. Shin, H.S. Jung, H. Kim, and K.S. Hong, “A simple large-scale synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: in situ observation of crystallization process", Langmuir, 26(1), 384-388, 2010

  6. J.H. Lee*, N.G. Rim*, H.S. Jung, and H. Shin, “Control of osteogenic differentiation and mineralization of human mesenchymal stem cells on composite nanofibers containing poly[lactic-co-(glycolic acid)] and hydroxyapatite”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 11,10(2):173-182, 2010 (* equal contribution)

  7. J.H. Lee, J.H. Lim, K.M. Huh, Y.K. Lee, and H. Shin, “Preparation and characterization of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots encapsulated in poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(D,L-lactide) micelle nanoparticles”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10, 487-496, 2010

  8. M.S. Kim, I. Jun, Y.M. Shin, W. Jang, S.I. Kim, and H. Shin, “The Development of Genipin-Crosslinked Poly(caprolactone) (PCL)/gelatin nanofibers for tissue engineering applications”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 14, 10(1) 91-100, 2010


  1. Y.M. Shin, K.S. Lim, J. Y. Ji, S. I. Jeong, H. Shin, Y.M. Lee, and K.-S. Kim, “In vitro and in vivo characterization of a coronary stent coated with an elastic biodegradable polymer for the sustained release of paclitaxel”, Macromolecular Research , 17(12), 1039-1042, 2009

  2. N.G. Rim*, J.H. Lee*, S.I. Jeong, and H. Shin, “Modulation of osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells by poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone)/gelatin nanofibers”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 9(8), 795-804, 2009 (* equal contribution)

  3. I. Jun, S.I. Jeong, and H. Shin, “The stimulation of myoblast differentiation by electrically conductive sub-micron fibers”, Biomaterials, 30, 2038-2047, 2009

  4. J. Jin, S.I. Jeong, Y.M. Shin, K.S. Lim, H. Shin, Y.M. Lee, H.C. Koh, and K.-S. Kim, “Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells within a poly(lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) scaffold improves cardiac function in a rat myocardial infarction model”, European journal of heart failure, 11, 147-153, 2009



  1. E. Ko, S.I. Jeong, J.H. Lee and H. Shin, “Improvement of Differentiation and Mineralization of Pre-osteoblasts on Composite Nanofibers of Poly(lactic acid) and Nano-sized Bovine Bone Powder ”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 8(12), 1097-1107, 2008

  2. E. Ko, S.I. Jeong, N.G. Rim, Y.M. Lee, H. Shin and B. Lee, “In vitro osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells, and in vivo bone formation in composite nanofiber meshes”, Tissue Engineering, 14(12), 2105-2119, 2008

  3. S.I. Jeong, Y.M. Lee and H. Shin, “ Skin tissue engineering using a cyclic strain bioreactor and gelatin/PLCL scaffolds”, Macromolecular Research, 16(6),  567-569, 2008

  4. Y.M. Shin, K. Kim, Y. Lim, Y. Noh and H. Shin, “Modulation of spreading, proliferation, and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells on gelatin immobilized poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) substrates”, Biomacromolecules, 9, 1772-1781, 2008

  5. S.I. Jeong, I. Jun, M.J. Choi, Y.C. Noh, Y.M. Lee and H. Shin, “Development of electroactive elastic nanofibers containing polyaniline and poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) for the control of cell adhesion“, Macromolecular Bioscience, 8, 627-637, 2008

  6. S.I. Jeong, J. Lee, Y. Shin, Y. Lim, Y. Noh, Y.M. Lee and H. Shin, “Preparation and characterization of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-grafted nanofibers for a temperature–sensitive drug delivery carrier”, Macromolecular Research,  16(2),  139-148, 2008

  7. S.I. Jeong, E. Ko, J. Yum, C.H. Jung, Y.M. Lee and H. Shin, “Preparation and Characterization of PLLA/hydroxyapatite nanofibrous scaffolds and their cellular interactions”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 8(4), 328-338, (April 9), 2008

  8. S.I. Jeong, A. Lee, Y.M. Lee and H. Shin, “Electrospun Gelatin/Poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) Nanofibers for Mechanically Functional Tissue Engineering Scaffolds”, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 19(3), 341-359, 2008



  1. S. Lim, H. Shin*, J.I. Kim, Y. Son and C.H. Kim, “The effect of a long-term cyclic strain on human dermal fibroblasts cultured in a bioreactor on chitosan-based scaffolds for the development of tissue engineered artificial dermis”, Macromolecular Research, 15(4), 370-378, 2007 (*equal contributions to the work)

  2. H. Shin*, I. Kim*, A.J. Garcia and U.F. Bunz, “Use of folate-PPE conjugate to image caner cells in vitro”, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 18(3), 815-820, 2007 (*equal contributions to the work)

  3. S. Lee and H. Shin, “Matrices and scaffolds for delivery of bioactive molecules in bone and cartilage tissue engineering”, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 59, 339-359, 2007

  4. H. Shin, “Review: Fabrication Methods of an Engineered Microenvironment for Analysis of Cell-Biomaterial Interactions”, Biomaterials, 28, 126-133, 2007



  1. H. Shin, J.S. Temenoff, G.C. Bowden, K. Zygourakis, M.C. Farach-Carson, M. Yaszemski, and A.G. Mikos, “Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Cultured on Arg-Gly-Asp Modified Hydrogels without Dexamethasone and b-Glycerol Phosphate”, Biomaterials, 26, 364-3654, 2005

  2. H. Shin, K. Zygourakis, M.C. Farach-Carson, M. Yaszemski, and A.G. Mikos, “Modulation of Differentiation and Mineralization of Marrow Stromal Cells Cultured on Biomimetic Hydrogels Modified with an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) containing peptide Derived from Osteopontin”, J. Biomed. Mater. Res, 69A, 535-543, 2004

  3. H. Shin, K. Zygourakis, M.C. Farach-Carson, M. Yaszemski, and A.G. Mikos, “Attachment, Proliferation, and Migration of Marrow Stromal Osteoblasts Cultured on Biomimetic Hydrogels Modified with an Osteopontin-Derived Peptide for Bone Tissue Engineering”, Biomaterials, 25, 895-906, 2004

  4. H. Shin*, J.S. Temenoff*, and A. G. Mikos, “ In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Redox Radical Initiators for Crosslinking Oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate) Macromers”, Biomacromolecules, 4, 1605-1613, 2003. (*equal contributions to the work)

  5. M.D. Timmer, H. Shin, R.A. Horch, C. Ambrose, and A.G. Mikos, “In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Injectable and Biodegradable Poly(propylene fumarate)-based Network: Unreacted Macromers, Crosslinked Networks, and Degradation Products”, Biomacromolecules, 4, 1026-1033, 2003.

  6. H. Shin, P.Q. Ruhé, A.G. Mikos, and J.A. Jansen, “In vivo Bone and Soft tissue Response to Biodegradable Oligo(Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Fumarate) Hydrogels”, Biomaterials, 24, 3201-3211, 2003.

  7. H. Shin, S. Jo, and A.G. Mikos, “Review: Biomimetic Materials for Tissue Engineering”, Biomaterials, 24, 4353-4364, 2003.

  8. H. Shin*, J. S. Temenoff*, and A.G. Mikos, “In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Unsaturated Oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate) and Their Hydrogels”, Biomacromolecules, 4, 552-560, 2003. (*equal contributions to the work)

  9. H. Shin, S. Jo, and A.G. Mikos, “Modulation of Marrow Stromal Osteoblast Adhesion on Biomimetic Oligo(Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Fumarate) Hydrogels Modified with Arg-Gly-Asp Peptides and a Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Spacer”, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 61, 69-179, 2002.

  10. S. Jo, H. Shin, and A.G. Mikos, “Modification of Oligo(poly(ethylene glycol fumarate) macromer with a GRGD peptide for the preparation of functionalized polymer networks”, Biomacromolecules, 2, 255-261, 2001.

  11. S. Jo, H. Shin, A. K. Shung, J.P. Fisher, and A.G. Mikos, “Synthesis and Characterization of Oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate) Macromer”, Macromolecules, 34, 2839-2844, 2001.

  12. S. Kim, H. Shin, C. Jeong, and Y. Lee, “Properties of Electroresponsive Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Poly(acrylic acid) IPN Hydrogels Under an Electric Stimulus”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 73, 1675, 1999.

  13. H. Shin, S. Kim, and Y. Lee, “Permeation of Solutes Through Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogels Composed of Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Poly(acrylic acid)”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 69, 479, 1998.

  14. H. Shin, S. Kim, and Y. Lee, “Indomethacin Release Behaviors from pH and Thermoresponsive poly(vinyl alcohol) and Poly(acrylic acid) Hydrogels for Site specific Drug Delivery”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 65, 685, 1997.








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